The place Molewinkel is mentioned in a document. The name comes from a mill in a remote corner.
Prince Joachim of Brandenburg renames the man's loan at the village of Molewinkel.
The fief is transferred to from Schulenburg. It belonged from 1693 to 1723 to the castle Angern.
Mahlwinkel is sold to Gut Kehnert.
The village is populated by 220 inhabitants and has 31 houses with farmland.
305 inhabitants with 12 farm yards and 58 houses live in Mahlwinkel. Between Mahlwinkel and Birkholz is a village called Kaltenhufen, which is destroyed in the 30-year war (1618-1648).
The land is being redistributed (seperation). Thus, 12 farms with 4 horses each, 2 half-load farms with 3 horses each and 4 Kossatenhöfe with 2 horses each are free of loan remissions.
The construction of the railway line from Magdeburg to Stendal, whose route divides the municipal area, gives Mahlwinkel a breakpoint and new development opportunities.
In Mahlwinkel, a big fire rages that the houses in the eastern Uchtdorfer Straße are destroyed except for one remaining house.
In another big fire, the houses in the western Uchtdorfer Strasse including the church are destroyed.
The houses of the farmers Pieper and Körtge fall victim to the flames.
The church is being rebuilt.
In Mahlwinkel live 404 inhabitants and the field includes 2069 acres of farmland.
The men's turn club Mahlwinkel is founded.
In the census, the place has 521 inhabitants.
A post office is created.
The Nursery Wille is founded.
The cyclist association Mahlwinkel is mentioned for the first time.
During the First World War Mahlwinkel has to complain 37 killed.
The Birkholzer road is attached.
The monument is inaugurated.
Cobbeler Straße is being built.
The Mahlwinkler shooting club is founded
During World War II, 32 killed have to complain.
The land reform is being carried out. All farms and over 100 ha of land are expropriated. The land is distributed to new farmers and small farmers.
The Tangerhütte district is founded.
In the woods near Mahlwinkel a military airfield is being built. From 1957 to 1994 troops of the Soviet Armed Forces were stationed here. 800 acres of pine forest are cleared.
The LPG "Ernst Thälmann" is founded.
A laundry goes into operation.
The SG Traktor Mahlwinkel is founded.
The allotment garden Mahlwinkel is founded.
The GST basic unit grinding angle in equestrian sport is founded.
The LPG "prosperity" Zibberick joins forces with the LPG "Ernst Thälmann" Mahlwinkel to LPG "Völkerfreundschaft".
A post office in Mahlwinkel is opened.
Adjacent to the airfield is a barracks in which over until 1994 an artillery and a motor-gun regiment is stationed.
The KAP Tangerhütte joins the Cobbel to the LPG
"X. Party congress "Mahlwinkel together.
The circle Tangerhütte is dissolved again, Mahlwinkel thus belongs to the circle Stendal.
The airfield houses the 337th Combat Helicopter Regiment with 60 Mi-8 and Mi-24, the 290th Drone Squadron with Tupulew M 143 and the 296th Helicopter Squadron with Mi-2, Mi-6, Mi-8 and Mi-24. The start of the last helicopter took place on 24.05.1994.
The SG tractor milling angle SV is renamed tractor 1886 Mahlwinkel eV.
The agrarian service and trade GmbH Mahlwinkel (successor of the LPG X. party day) is established.
The Mahlwinkler Zierpflanzenbau GmbH (successor of the LPG Völkerfreundschaft) is founded.
The Agrargesellschaft Tangergrund mbH Mahlwinkel (successor of the LPG Völkerfreundschaft) is founded.
A total of 68 craft businesses are working in Mahlwinkel during this time.
Many houses get a new roof over the village renewal program.
The street lighting will be completely rebuilt.
The first waste water connections are being built.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a windmill on the Birkholzer Weg takes place.
The association Mahlwinkler Heimatfreunde eV is founded.
The previously independent municipalities Mahlwinkel with the district Zibberick, Bertingen, Wenddorf and Angern join together to form the new community Angern.
With the support of the local council and many sponsors, the clubs have prepared the 600th anniversary Mahlwinkels and 150 years of sports club and celebrated together with all citizens.